After a procession of psyciatrists and even brain surgery(the leucotomy) it was you David who showed me the way out, oh so simple!
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- Julie BullOctober, 1999
Dear David,
I wanted to write this letter after my second session with you on Sunday as I feel so passionate about your counselling method.
I had a period of well and truly "slump" for about three months. As time went by I was feeling worse and therefore becoming more "afraid" of my condition. I felt desperate because I have had counselling on and off for over 15 years(when I struck particularly difficult times in my life e.g. relationship breakups, jobs, general well being e.t.c) and been on various different courses in an attempt to understand myself better and improve my life.
I was just not coping and felt scared and desperate, hence I packed up my bags and moved in with my sister-in-law, as I wanted no responsibility.
She is a qualified nurse and wasn't at all upset to see I was depressed. She explained it was just like being sick and could handle it without to much fuss. We talked at length about whether I would go to see a psyciatrist and I wasn't overly keen as I imagined he would just prescribe me anti-deppressents(I was already on them over the three month period and various other times in the past).Then we talked about various other doctors and she said she knew of a good one based in New Market. She rang this lady doctor and discovered she was overseas for 6 weeks, that put that idea to rest.
Then unbeknown to me she decided to browse throught the yellow pages and spotted an advertisment that she believed sounded like me and promptly rang the number. From that phone call she sugested I ring you David and we take it from there with no commitment or decision at that point.I had taken the day off work(as I was not coping at all) and figured I would call back in the afternoon and perhaps hear what you had to say and to check it out.
I picked up very soon in the piece that you knew where I was EXACTLY and I believed by your sheer enthusiasm and knowledge that you could perhaps help me(after all I had never tried an anxiety counseller in my life).
I talked to David over the phone for two and a half hours, I had this inner feeling that I was hearing something very different from what I had ever heard before, and believe you me, I have been searching over the years.I agreed to go to my first session two days later. I felt desperate enough to be brave enough to do the "time" involved as I figured I could not judge whether it was any good unless I was prepared to do what was required. The price at first made me wonder and now looking back I am so pleased I never let money get in the road of my decision!
I went to see David on the Sunday and was there for over 5 hours. Without a doubt it would have to be the most IMPORTANT DAY OF MY LIFE.
I have never been a person who diaries anything, but I need to make some diary notes about this day. I had read and heard from friends etc all about replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts and I had experimented with it on occasions but it never seemed to last. I learnt from David what I would never have learned from any counseller of any sort (and believe you me my counseller is fantastic at her work, one of the best).
The resoning, the logic, the clarity it all tied in and it seemed after searching, here were all the reason's why I had suffered (as opposed to others who don't). It was all there staring me in the face, whilst intently listening to all David had to say.
Session one was mind boggling, I learnt so much. Session two was rewarding and in the three weeks I had completely done something about controlling my stress. Session two was vital, It taught me how to recognise, hope, learn when all setbacks return in the future. Here after 49 years I could see my life becoming very different and in a way that would make me enjoy life instead of the god-damned struggle!
People who experienced fear for all sorts of reasons are the people who need to strongly consider this counselling. Whilst I believe you do telephone counselling as well(sometimes that may be all that is possible) I cannot stress enough how much more beneficial physically attending the two sessions are.
I was always a vibrant, enthusiastic and bubbly person, but over the years my self confidence and well being depleted and having made some wrong decisions in my life and having regrets, I grew dissatisfied within my self. I longed to get some of my vitality back.
Since I have discovered and learned from you, I am actually excited about my future and it is a very new feeling I assure you. I am sensible enough to realise I will have set backs along the way but I learned from session two how two deal with them if and when they come, with optimism. I won't know how good I am doing until I am doing it.
David I need to tell you I am so gratefull that my sister in law found you for me! You are not only a lovely human being with true dedication to the people who need you, but you are a true blue profesional. The money to come and see you is without a doubt the best investment I could have made.
I gratitude I am more than willing to refer you to anyone who may request it.
My mobile number is 025-853-022.
Forever Gratefull
Julie Bull